24 Hour Helpline: 541-389-7021
24-Hour Helpline
When calling our Helpline you can expect to find a safe and trained member of our team to help connect you to:
Assistance navigating the legal system
Meeting with an advocate in person
Info about our counseling services
Community resources & referrals
Access to emergency safe shelter
Crisis intervention
Peer counseling
Helpline: 541-389-7021
Toll free: (866) 504-8992
Spanish: (541) 383-6783
Need help with a different situation? Call 2-1-1 or visit www.211info.org
If you or someone you know are experiencing intimate partner violence, we can help!
Does Your Partner:
Harm or threaten you or your children?
Limit where you go and what you do?
Destroy your belongings?
Check up on where you’ve been?
Pressure you to have sex?
Insult you in public or private?
Prevent you from leaving the house?
Prevent you from finding work?
Criticize your family and friends?
Accuse you of having an affair?
Tell you “jealousy” is a sign of love?
Touch you in a way that hurts you?
People In Healthy Relationships:
Trust and believe in each other
Are open and honest
Can express themselves without fear
Are willing to apologize
Respect each other’s decisions with sex
Are kind to each other
Support each other’s dreams
Listen to and value each other
Take care of each other’s things
Physical contact is loving and caring